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Pupil Premium
Key Information

Pupil Premium

Free School Meals & Pupil Premium

If you think you may be eligible, please fill in the Free School Meal & Pupil Premium Application Form at the bottom of this page and return it to the School Office. 

Overview of the school

The Pupil Premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. National Data published by the DfE, based on the 2016 January census, indicates that the national average for pupils receiving free school meals in state funded primary school is 17% compared with 27.6% at Hannah Ball.

The provision of Pupil Premium is closely monitored by our deputy Head teacher within the school who is responsible for liaising with those pupils who are eligible, as well as the staff, to ensure that Pupil Premium is closely monitored.

High Quality Teaching that involves challenge for all pupils

The quality of teaching and learning is of paramount importance and in order for those pupils who receive the Pupil Premium to achieve well, then the quality of teaching and learning has to be high. In this way, all pupils will benefit from a ‘Challenge for all’ approach.  A significant amount of this year’s funding has been spent on INSET days that focus upon teaching and aim to create inspired learners.

Pastoral support to improve attainment by improving the social and emotional dimensions of learning.

Nurture groups ensure that targeted children are supported pastorally and the sessions focus upon improving attitudes to learning, social relationships in school and attainment. Sessions will be delivered for two afternoons each week by highly trained TAs and is overseen by a dedicated SENCO.

This provision aims to enable children to express their emotions, establish better family relationships and enable children to be supported appropriately within school.

Enrichment of the curriculum

Examples of enrichment can be seen through workshops, school visitors, subsidised school trips and residential visits, a range of enrichment clubs after school offered at no charge.

Targeted support to accelerate learning and increase attainment

Interventions delivered by Teaching Assistants (TAs) to provide focused support on a half-termly basis for those pupils where progress is below expectations. Interventions for each pupil are decided on an individual basis, informed by assessment and teacher knowledge of the child. Examples of the interventions delivered are: comprehension groups, Rainbow Road and nurture groups.

Extended school support

Facilities such as Breakfast Club and After School Clubs to support working parents by providing wrap-around care.